Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the past 24 hours

not a flattering angle.
but as much as i wore blue a few weeks ago.
my heart will forever be red when the Cards are around.
a house divided:

but we still like each other.
a lot.

it was well past my bedtime
and the Cards lost

but I got to work
and saw a surprise on my desk!
isn't he she the best?!
haha, my boss.
Happy Secretaries Administrative Professionals' Day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I think this is the first time I have won something and I am
excited about it :)

Check out Jenni over here.
She is on my daily blog roll of people I check in on
(with out them knowing!)
and she had a give away
I entered
and won! yay!
I am the lucky winner of a CD by
Dave Owens
You HAVE to check him out:
it's a nice cross between DMB/Ray Lamontagne/John Mayer
just something you can slip into a CD player
and play the whole thing - without skipping a song!
a great weekend mix while doing things around
studio 809
I can NOT wait to get my hands on the CD.

p.s. check out Jenni's Love Story - it sounds like it came right out of a book.
Happy Tuesday :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

adventures in my own town.

I was anticipating rain all weekend
because that's what the forecast said.
we didn't get a drop while traveling around town
I had so much fun.
Let me tell you, we did a LOT of walking, too...
 the bean

 lake michigan

*sax in the city*

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the past week, or so

I had a GREAT friend visit from home
we did some exploring.
it was super fun to 'travel' in my own town
I'm beginning a new hobby/business venture.
(and, it involves hobby lobby)
details to come!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I could spend hours -
at hobby lobby.
I could spend the night there and find all kinds of things to make!
And thank goodness for Pinterest,
introducing a new majority of women to the blog world
which finds all of us stumbling upon DIYs
(those are my favorite categories on Pinterest)
I have been very quick to find, and try, recipes through blogs that I have known
and blogs that are new to me due to Pinterest.
Now, I can finally say I made the burlap rosettes, too!
They are so cheap to make.
The mason jars (love!) were half off at Hobby Lobby
and Burlap is $3/yd., or something like that
purchased some wire stem floral thingys
stone marble thingys
and wah la!!
new studio 809 decor.

as I was wandering up and down the aisles,
I saw those sticky/removable/wall decor design decals
and i just had to snatch the ones below.
I was nervous, though, because I am renting
and wasn't sure if they'd be a mess once I'm ready to leave
so I snagged some canvas (2 for 7.99)
<which, by the way, isn't normally cheap!>
One lovely fellow dweller at HL started talking to me about
her painting career and how canvas is making it difficult for her to make profit
oh, the life of a starving artist!
(cause, I know all about that)
good thing about these sticker decals is
now that I have 'em on the canvas
I can keep them for awhile.
they'll be great in a new place
or even a classroom :)
they weren't as in expensive as the burlap project,
but the longevity may a last a bit longer.

photos taken with my iPhone.
why I didn't grab my camera
is beyond me!
good grief.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I believe that every weekend, should have three days.
you just need that extra day to do NOTHING
or maybe something...
catch up on cleaning, errands etc.
my sister calls those "getshidunday"
it is FANTASTIC to work in schools for those.
I was lucky enough to be off for Good Friday
(happy belated Easter!)
and I was able to be off the week before
the WHOLE week before
for Spring Break.
I am SUPER appreciative.

In the meantime, thanks to my cousin Matt
we were able to enjoy a pleasant weathered Easter
at the ballpark
filled with beer and NACHOS
and a Cubs win.


(what is going on with me?!)
no worries:
i have not completely turned to the 'dark side'
i will forever be a Cardinals fan
and you bet your bottom dollar i proudly wear my red at the Cubs vs. Cards games
we they were playing the Nationals.
why wear Cardinals stuff when they weren't even playing
(do you hear me justifying myself?)
well, whatever
the Cubs won, and it was a GREAT afternoon.
and, ya gotta admit, Wrigley has a pretty awesome environment
I love that it's still 'old school'
there aren't crazy songs, tricks, and gimmicks on the jumbotron
it's all about
the game.